Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Doomsday for Democracy vs 'the Senate must evolve'

Senator Charles Schumer has been in the Congress a long time. He became a US Representative in 1981 and a US Senator in 1991.


Back in 2005, Schumer  gave a rousing speech against changing the filibuster rule.  He referred to removing the filibuster making the US a banana republic and called such an action 'a doomsday for democracy'. 

In a 3 January 2022 letter, Schumer says,

We must adapt. The Senate must evolve, like it has many times before. The Senate was designed to evolve and has evolved many times in our history. As former Senator Robert Byrd famously said, Senate Rules “must be changed to reflect changed circumstances.” Put more plainly by Senator Byrd, “Congress is not obliged to be bound by the dead hand of the past.”

 Whether this is hypocrisy or not depends on whether Schumer believes what he says in 2022.  I don't think he does and, in fact, if the Republicans have a Senate majority and a President in 2025, I'm sure Schumer would change his tune again. This is supported by various comments by incumbent Senators who feel the election rules need to be changed for them to be re-elected.

Therefore I consider this hypocrisy.


A few days after the above post, US Representative Jeffries gave a speech saying that we needed the Democrat introduced voting rights legislation as it was inspired by Hugo Chavez (with a pretend correction to Caeser Chavez who had nothing to do with elections).


The video of Biden and Schumer's 2005 speechs defending filibuster:

Comments of various Senators on why they will be boxed out without changes in election law:

Schumer's letter to collegues is here

Then Senator Biden defending the filibuster also in 2005 is here. 

Representative Jeffries speech with portion noted is here.