Thursday, September 02, 2004

Zell Miller - Occupation vs Liberation

In his speech yesterday, Senator Zell Miller (who by the way was the first person to be the keynote speaker at both a Democratic and a Republican convention), said that when Senator Kerry referred to American troops in Iraq (I think he meant Iraq) as occupiers and not liberators, it made Miller angry. It has been documented that President Bush also used the phrase 'occupiers'. Now:
1. I can't remember Kerry ever using the expression and Miller didn't say when he said it
2. When Bush used the phrase 'occupiers' it was before an Iraq govt was sworn in on June 29.

I doubt that Miller is actually angry about the use of the word 'occupier'. Miller knows that our troops were both liberators and occupiers (although the latter was done out of necessity because of the former). Thus he is undoubtedly a hypocrit.

Furthermore there were other things Miller said that were either clearly things he didn't believe or else greatly exaggerated. A site that gives a summary is at:

However, the only thing this shows is that he was angry. Frankly, his presence and his demeanor were more angry than his words. Thus the hypocrisy only rises to a level 2.