Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Is AOC a Flaming Hypocrite Regarding School Choice

That is the accusation (as noted below I disagree).

US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has no children of her own but is godmother to a girl.  Per an article in the NY Post which in turn referred various primary sources, AOC has denounced charter schools. AOC also bragged about helping her cousin's daughter (AOC's god daughter) into a charter school.

Several people have called AOC a hypocrite for this.

I don't.

If AOC had said, "nobody should send their children to a charter school" that would be different. However, AOC is in favor of (I think) abolishing charter schools nor advocating boycotting them. So as long as charter schools exist I don't consider it hypocritical to use them. 

The situation is analogous to someone who supports,say, a higher capital gain tax than currently exists, but does their taxes using existing rules.

Opinion Piece here.

That's also where the image is from.