Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Blogger hypocrisy in currency advertisements?

An amusing thing happened to one of the authors of the Powerline blog.

Their url is:

In the information for May 16, 2006, one of the authors, John Hinderaker reports that he was critized by the authors of a blog called, Blogcritics, whose url is:

One post on blogcritics posts at:

has a paragraph saying

"...So the question remains, what are John Hinderaker and Co. doing pimping a currency scam [investing in Iraqi diner] on their website? I'm aware that blogads are automated to a degree, but the gentlemen at Power Line are ultimately responsible for what they're hawking "

Well actually, the blogads are almost completely automated. So automated that the same 'invest in Iraqi diner' ad that appeared on the powerline blog also appears in the blogcritics post which criticises the powerline blog. Powerline saved a screenshot on their May 16 post.

by the way, one of the 'invest in Iraqi diner' ads takes you to this url:

Now to the question, 'is this hypocrisy on the part of the blogcritics'?

Well the threshold question is whether the blogcritics poster was actually so ignorant that he didn't understand blogads. This seems improbable given the subtitle on the blogcritic home page says that it is:

A sinister cabal of superior bloggers on music, books, film, popular culture, technology, and politics.

On the other hand, if the poster is that ignorant, the subtitle is the hypocritical piece.

So regarding hypocrisy; guilty as charged.

On the level of the hypocrisy, it must be considered as minimal because anyone ignorant of blogads gets educated pretty quickly. In fact, the blogcritics have, to an extent, already inflicted considerable damage on whatever credibility they had before the Iraqi diner incident.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Hillary is accused of Hypocrisy

The headline for a day of letters to the editor of the NY Post reads, "Clinton's Gen. Y Charge: Six Figure Hypocrisy

The article is at:

I pretty sure the NY Post is interpreting the letter writers as accusing Hillary of hypocrisy. However, I'm not at all sure I know what the hypocrisy is. Two things are sure, Hillary said something at a college commencement speech about kids not willing to work hard or something like that. Another thing that is sure is that Chelsea works at a management firm and earns over $100k.

We don't know whether Chelsea works hard or not.

What I also don't know is what Chelsea has to do with 'kids not willing to work hard'. Chelsea isn't a kid - she is a grown up, almost 30.

Unfortunately, this is yet another case where I can't figure out what the hypocrisy is supposed to be, never mind analyzing it to see if it is true.