Friday, April 30, 2010

Gordon Brown and the Open Microphone

Several people have referred to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown as a hypocrite.

One of those also calls him the "worst sort of hypocrite".

What happened recently is that Brown was speaking with a woman who questioned him about immigration (the woman thought too many east Europeans were being allowed to immigrate to Britain). Brown was nice to her in person but when he got into his limo, Brown called the woman a bigot and, unbeknown to him, the microphone he was carrying picked up his denunciation of her.

Being nice to someone to their face and criticizing them to their back isn't very nice and could be called two faced but it is not hypocrisy. However, some people make a different accusation. They say that Brown has been working to restrict immigration for a decade and thus when he calls someone else a bigot for wanting to restrict immigration, that is hypocrisy. Actually it is not. Prime Minister Brown may believe himself to be a bigot (granted this is unlikely) or he may believe some restrictions are good but restrictions that go too far are bigotry (which is way too nuanced for my taste but may be true nonetheless).

Verdict: Not a hypocrite.

One site calling him a hypocrite is here. Another is here. Another here. Still another here (although that was for something that happened in 2008).

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gisele Bundchen
the mansion

There are numerous other people who have been called environmental hypocrites. That is, people who preach low carbon consumption and practice high carbon consumption.

Few are as good looking as Gisele Bundchen.

Ms. Bundchen is the celebrity Environmental Ambassador at large at the United Nations.

Her and her husband (Tom Brady, QB for New England) are having a 20,000 sq ft mansion built for themselves (other image). The mansion will have a six car garage.

In other cases (e.g., involving Al Gore), the target of the hypocrisy accusation claimed that carbon credits offset the consumption. However, in the case of Ms. Bundchen, the Sierra Club doesn't seem to be willing to buy that explanation. I can't find any article on whether the couple is claiming carbon credits offsets so I can't address the actual hypocrisy.

Nice article on the situation (including Sierra Club quote here)