Tuesday, December 28, 2004

The hypocrisy hangs thick in the air:

So says Paul Cella a blogger at: http://cellasreview.blogspot.com/2004_12_01_cellasreview_archive.html#110422961948727439
Mr. Cella also refers to a blog posting by Colby Cosh at:

basically, the argument is that the obits for Reggie White, all star football lineman who died of an aphnia induced heart attack, stress that Mr. White 'tarnished his image' by calling "... homosexuality as "one of the biggest sins in the Bible" and stereotyping races (i.e. blacks are thus, whites are thus).

It is difficult at this point to know what Mr. White meant back in the 90s when he made these comments but it is clear that it was the media not Mr. White who 'tarnished' his image. The media could certainly have played down the comments or not reported the comments or reported the comments but indicated that they didn't know what Mr. White meant. Thus, I don't think that the media (the AP and the Chicago Trib are cited by mssrs Cella and Cosh) are being hypocrites so much as they are being sloppy.

Similarly, Cella and Cosh say the media does not say that black rappers who use homobashing lyrics have 'tarnished' their image. In this case, I'll side with the media because the rappers 'image' is their lyrics - they have no other image. I think Cella and Cosh would be correct if they said that the media is wrong, or deliquent when it fails to report the homobashing lyrics but that doesn't create hypocrisy