Friday, November 27, 2020

Bikini Party Hypocrisy


Dr Mikhail Varshavski is a celebrity doctor. 
In 2016 People magazine named him America's Sexiest Doctor alive. He appears on CNN sometimes.  
Like other doctors he comments on the coronavirus epidemic and tells people to be extra careful, social distance and wear masks when you can't social distance.  Recently, he was photographed at a birthday party he organized (for his 31st birthday).  No social distancing, no masks but lots of bikini wearing ladies.  In the picture with the bikini wearers, he has a light blue hat. 
Varshavski has not, to my knowledge, denied the party, nor apologized for it, nor defended it since the articles were published a week ago.

The information is from two articles. 

One is best news.

The other is meaww.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Thirty Minutes to Hypocrisy


The mayor of Denver is Michael Hancock. Mayor Hancock posted a tweet telling people, among other things, to:.

Host virtual gatherings instead of in-person dinners.

Avoid travel, if you can.

Order your holiday meal from a local eatery


Thirty minutes after posting the tweet, Hancock boarded a plane from Denver to Houston where he then traveled to Mississippi to have thanksgiving with his wife and daughter. The mayor's defense of this is that it was better than having the two of them travel to Denver, thus avoiding their trips.  

Of course, he could have just done a virtual gathering as in his tweet.


The story (and similar ones) are at this article at Reason which also embedded the tweet.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The French Laundry Hypocrisy Apology

 Governor Gavin Newsom recently went to a 50th birthday party for a friend (a lobbyist - but that has nothing to do with the hypocrisy). It was at the French Laundry Restaurant in Napa Valley. The restaurant (second

image) is pricy with meals typically costing $350 and up ( but that also has nothing to do with the hypocrisy).

The hypocrisy is that, based on reports of people who saw the event (a picture purporting to be of the event is the third image), the social distancing rules Newsom implemented were violated.  These rules are too complicated for me to understand and also the rules change with time, however, Newsom himself sort of admitted that he violated the rules.


He then issued an apology.

"I made a bad mistake," said Newsom. "Instead of sitting down I should have stood up and walked back and got in my car and drove to my house."

"We're all human, we all fall short sometimes," 

Newsom did not use the word 'hypocrisy' or anything similar in his apology, but in any case, it was an actual apology and it was for hypocrisy.

Report on the apology is here. 

Another report on this is here. 

update: locals report that the party was 20+ people, the wine bill alone was about $12,000

Friday, November 13, 2020

Portland 'defund the police' official calls 911


Jo Ann Hardesty (in the image) is a city commissioner in Portland, Oregon.

She favors defunding the police.

One day she got a Lyft ride. She asked the driver to raise the car windows. The driver said that city ordinance requires the windows to be open (due to the coronavirus). 

Commissioner Hardesty's driver went to a gas station and said she should leave and get another driver. She refused and called 911.

Hardesty does not seem to be a likeable person and being asked to leave a Lyft vehicle does not seem like a 911 event.  However, this is not actual hypocrisy because Hardesty didn't say, "I urge people to not use 911."

It is also somewhat like a person using a tax management provision that they think should be abolished. As long as it exists, people who want to use it should use it.

ps: Hardesty got another driver and reached her destination later.

News article is here.