Monday, May 24, 2021

Two Updates on Gretchen Whitmer


Update 1. Continuing to make Covid rule violation news is Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. 

In this case the rule was not to dine with more than 6 people without doing distancing.

Whitmer apologized saying that initially there were only 4 but then more and more people showed up (somewhat believable as the image shows that tables have been moved together - faces of elected and appointed officials have been blurred out).

 Article regarding the restaurant issue in Detroit news is here.

Update 2. The private plane Whitmer used to charter a trip to Florida was not approved for charter service.  This is not a direct hypocrisy issue but affects the reliability of statements made by Whitmer.

Detroit news report on the charter plane issue is here.



Saturday, May 15, 2021

Sponsor of Sex Traffic Legislation Arrested Under His Own Bill


Dave Hunt (in first image) was, a few years ago, the speaker of the Oregon State Legislature.  He currently is on the board of a Community College (second image shows their basketball team recently) and is also CEO of a public corporation (which I think does lobbying for the College). About 10 years ago, he sponsored legislation that made sex solicitation for commerce a crime. The legislation passed. Earlier this year he was arrested and charged under statutes established by the legislation he sponsored. His identity as one of 8 people arrested was revealed earlier this month.

 Hunt denies the charges.

This may be disgusting but I'm not calling it hypocrisy.

1. The arrests were the culmination of a sting operation involving, among other things, putting ads on human trafficking websites, so he may claim entrapment.

2. He may be innocent.

3. Even if he is guilty, he is not reported as saying 'no one should solicit'.  In fact, his sponsorship of the legislation may be because he realized some people, such as himself, need more disincentives to be able to avoid this. 

It is tragic and, to many people incomprehensible, why people would engage in this.  It is also frightening that someone who looks so normal and has held responsible positions would do this. However, I have some sympathy for people whose inner demons dominate them.

Local media coverage is here.

Friday, May 07, 2021

Update on the Grechen Whitmar Story


 The State of Michigan released more information yesterday about the Michigan to Florida roundtrips (yes plural) that the Governor had taken.

They said there were at least 3 trips. Whitmar used a Gulfstream G -280 to take them. She got the G-280 as a 'loan' from billionaire (or near billionaire) friends. There is no information yet on whether these friends have business before the State of Michigan.

Whitmar says she didn't want to use a scheduled flight because she faces death threats (although she was the recipient of a recent 'Kennedy Courage Award').  She also didn't want to use a private charter because of the cost ($40k by one estimate).

Also interestingly, the Gulfstream G-280 is made under contract to Gulfstream by Israel Aerospace Industries.


Reporting on this is here.