Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Professor Pete Singer's Mother

Princetown University has a bioethics professor named Peter Singer. He is somewhat famous for carrying certain ethics beliefs to harsh conclusions. For example, he believes every rich person should give 80+% of their wealth to charity. For another, he believes that people have a moral responsibility to commit euthansia to infants with severe handicaps and elderly patients with incurable diseases (I think the reason is because the resources that are required to care for the latter could, in his calculation, be used to vastly improve the lives of the poor).

Well it turns out the Professor's mother has Alzheimer's disease. Rather than euthanize her, the professor arranged for her to receive care. I read this at:

This is pretty obvious hypocrisy. It is also hypocrisy that isn't very harmful and maybe is beneficial. The hypocrisy also has to be judged in the context that if he euthanized his mother or helped her commit suicide it would be crime.