Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Linda Sarsour Not a Hypocrite but is somethng worse

Linda Sarsour is an activist and one of the 'leaders' of the Women's March. She is a consistent and egregious critic of Israel and supporter of Sharia (image is from an AP news report).

below is a screen shot of one of her tweets from Jan 2017

below that is a screen shot of a tweet from a few days ago (images, including the screen shots of the tweets may be enlarged  by clicking on them).

The accusation of hypocrisy is based on her 2017 tweet calling President Trump an anti-semite for not mentioning the Jewish victims on Holocaust Remembrance Day and her subsequent 2019 commenting on the Holocaust without mentioning the Jewish victims. 

But this is not hypocrisy as she hasn't said people should do something and then not done it. It is however antisemitism by her own definition.

Also, her many other statements demonizing Israel, promoting BDS, etc. also qualify her as an anti Semite under other definitions of the term.

Monday, January 07, 2019

Alderman Edward Burke may be a Hypocrite but that's just the frosting

ay, January 07, 2019

Alderman Edward Burke is, in some sense the quintessential Chicago politician. His father was an alderman in the same part of SW Chicago. He has been an Alderman (14th ward between Midway Airport and I-55) for almost 50 years. His wife is an Illinois Supreme Court Justice.

He has recently been charged with a long list of extortion related crimes (see stories linked below). 

He is also a vigorous advocate of gun control and spokesman for a gun buy back program. During the FBI's search of his office they found 23 guns, none apparently registered or declared as local Chicago law requires. He was not charged with any crime related to possession of firearms since, as an elected official, Chicago law makes him an officer of the law and, apparently, allowed to possess lots and lots of guns without the protocols that ordinary citizens of Chicago have to obey.  This is arguably hypocrisy but comparatively very small potatoes compared to the extortion.

local cbs news article on Ed Burke is here

local Chicago Tribune article on Ed  Burke is here
