During his campaign, then candidate Trump criticized then President Obama for excess use of executive orders (second image is from a tweet by NBC news).
Is this (the EP after criticizing EOs) hypocrisy as opposed to doing EOs after criticizing EOs.
Obama had similar changes of heart about how to work the government. I addressed this a few years ago here regarding signing statements. Basically I think Obama didn't understand the issue; I think Trump didn't understand the issue either.
I worked to implement several EOs and several EPs* during my 30+ years in the federal government; sometimes this seemed to me to be 'good' and sometimes 'bad'.
Unlike the EO, the EP may suspend statute. An EP is authorized by 50 USC 34. Current statute has evolved over time since a major change was made in 1976. The most recent major amendment was made in 2009 (when the Democratic party controlled the House, the Senate and the Presidency). Here are two things to remember about an EP,
1. Congress can, by joint resolution, cancel an EP.
2. The statute does not define 'emergency'.
While on this general subject, I think the danger of federal government excess is great. However, it is not just EOs and EPs that are a problem. In the Obama administration, changes to the execution of Obamacare were announced once in a blogpost by HHS and another time via a 'dear colleague letter' written to Governors regarding school discipline policy (both without any notice and comment period). I don't know if something similar has been done in the Trump Administration but it wouldn't surprise me if it has.
* about a month ago was the 25th anniversary of the disaster proclamations subsequent to the Northridge earthquake (both California and the US Govt issued disaster proclamations). The highway damage was severe but the proclamations allowed work to begin without going through various planning, environmental, contracting and administrative procedures (my part in this was documenting various steps and recommending data to collect). The repairs were finished on time and under budget and have held up relatively well as I understand it.