Now Facebook is cooperating on the censoring of websites with images of Mohammed where those websites come from Turkey.
Is Zuckerberg a hypocrite. Not in my estimation.
He merely didn't distinguish between US originating websites and those in other countries. He is also guilty of being pompous because he didn't do that.
Facebook, like other multinational countries, must obey the laws of the countries in which they do business even if those laws are stupid or tyrannical (in any event, Turkish citizens can easily access French or US websites and see all the images they want, including those purporting to be of Mohammed (it seems to me interesting that since nobody knows what Mohammed actually looked like, besides a few obvious things, e.g., he was male, he wore robes, he had a goatee or beard), nobody who is accused of drawing Mohammed is actually doing so).
The image is from a Washington Post story, here.