Biden vs. Palin Hypocrisy??VP Biden and Gov Palin have both said similar things about Israel vs Iran and the US. But TPM poster M.J. Rosenburg (who is also a director of the Israel Policy Forum, a 'two-state' advocacy group), and Matthew Yglesias, propriator of "Think Progress", a self described progressive website, have different reactions to Biden and Palin.
Basically, both Rosenburg and Matt Y. call Palin 'stupid' for saying something similar (in 2008) to what Biden said (in 2009). They might be able to claim the situation has changed but, if that is the case, doesn't it make Palin something of a prophet (in any case their Biden comments did not refer, or link back, to their Palin comments)?
So are they hypocrites? It seems to me that they are, although a better description would be that they are partisen hacks. As for the degree of hypocrisy I'd rank it pretty low since they are just repeating what other partisen hacks have said. On the other hand, both the TPM and the Think Progress website get a lot of hits so maybe they have a 'spread the word' influence that is more than I suspect.
Here is a transcript (earlier this month) of Biden speaking to George Stephanopoulos: STEPHANOPOULOS: And meanwhile, Prime Minister Netanyahu has made it pretty clear that he agreed with President Obama to give until the end of the year for this whole process of engagement to work. After that, he's prepared to make matters into his own hands.
Is that the right approach?
BIDEN: Look, Israel can determine for itself -- it's a sovereign nation -- what's in their interest and what they decide to do relative to Iran and anyone else.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Whether we agree or not?
BIDEN: Whether we agree or not. They're entitled to do that. Any sovereign nation is entitled to do that. But there is no pressure from any nation that's going to alter our behavior as to how to proceed.
What we believe is in the national interest of the United States, which we, coincidentally, believe is also in the interest of Israel and the whole world. And so there are separate issues.
If the Netanyahu government decides to take a course of action different than the one being pursued now, that is their sovereign right to do that. That is not our choice.
STEPHANOPOULOS: But just to be clear here, if the Israelis decide Iran is an existential threat, they have to take out the nuclear program, militarily the United States will not stand in the way?
BIDEN: Look, we cannot dictate to another sovereign nation what they can and cannot do when they make a determination, if they make a determination that they're existentially threatened and their survival is threatened by another country.
STEPHANOPOULOS: You say we can't dictate, but we can, if we choose to, deny over-flight rights here in Iraq. We can stand in the way of a military strike.
BIDEN: I'm not going to speculate, George, on those issues, other than to say Israel has a right to determine what's in its interests, and we have a right and we will determine what's in our interests.
and here is the Palin transcript (from a 2008 interview with Katie Couric):
Couric: You recently said three times that you would never, quote, “second guess” Israel if that country decided to attack Iran. Why not?
We shouldn’t second guess Israel’s security efforts because we cannot ever afford to send a message that we would allow a second Holocaust, for one. Israel has got to have the opportunity and the ability to protect itself. They are our closest ally in the Mideast. We need them. They need us. And we shouldn’t second guess their efforts.
Couric: You don’t think the United States is within its rights to express its position to Israel? And if that means second-guessing or discussing an option?
No, abso … we need to express our rights and our concerns and …
Couric: But you said never second guess them.
We don’t have to second-guess what their efforts would be if they believe … that it is in their country and their allies, including us, all of our best interests to fight against a regime, especially Iran, who would seek to wipe them off the face of the earth. It is obvious to me who the good guys are in this one and who the bad guys are. The bad guys are the ones who say Israel is a stinking corpse and should be wiped off the face of the earth. That’s not a good guy who is saying that. Now, one who would seek to protect the good guys in this, the leaders of Israel and her friends, her allies, including the United States, in my world, those are the good guys.
Here is the the TPM commentator on Biden's comments:Obama Today: No Green Light to Israel
So much for that.
The President said today that he has "absolutely not" given Israel a "green light" to attack Iran.
So Biden either misspoke, was misinterpreted, or has just been corrected by his boss. Israel will get no green light to attack. We will, as Obama said all along, rely on diplomacy to solve the Iran problem.
Good. But we need to do something. I think the mullahs have demonstrated that they are capable of absolutely anything -- including nuking Israel despite the cost to their own people (about whom they care not at all).
But an Israeli attack would not solve anything; on the contrary it would create the havoc in the Middle East like nothing we've experienced yet (and jeopardize the lives of 120,000 American troops next door).
Obama knows that. And if anyone can unravel this knot, it's him.
Here is the TPM commentator on Palin's comments:Now we know why among the very first people Sarah Palin sat down with after being nominated was Joe Lieberman and the head of AIPAC.
She needed the latest talking points and, boy, did she learn her lines.
Matt Y on Biden's comment:This is being read by some,
including Marc Lynch, as a “green light” for an Israeli attack.
Like Robert Farley I think the most straightforward reading of what Biden said is rather different, he’s trying to
distance the United States from any possible Israeli military action by making it clear that what Israel does or doesn’t do is decided in Israel rather than in Washington.
Matt Y on Palin's comment: Palin is okay at repeating various “pro-Israel” buzzwords, but she can’t run away from the fact that her underlying position on this topic is stupid.
Biden transcript
herePalin transcript
here (for the Couric) and (
here for the Gibson interview)
Rosenberg on Biden comment
hereRosenberg on Palin comment
hereMatt Y on Biden
hereMatt Y on Palin