Lobbying Policy
Here is the Obama-Biden Policy during the transition period (Nov 2008-Jan 2009)
- Federal Lobbyists cannot contribute financially to the transition.
- Federal lobbyists are prohibited from any lobbying during their work with the transition.
- If someone has lobbied in the last 12 months, they are prohibited from working in the fields of policy on which they lobbied.
- If someone becomes a lobbyist after working on the Transition, they are prohibited from lobbying the Administration for 12 months on matters on which they worked.
- A gift ban that is aggressive in reducing the influence of special interests.
May 29, 2009, 6:55 p.m.
The White House moved Friday evening to loosen lobbying restrictions related to stimulus funds, lifting the ban on federal lobbyists communicating with agency officials on specific projects for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funds.
I actually sympathize with the May 29 change because without it, agency officials wouldn't know what projects they are supposed to be implementing with the ARRA funds (before I retired there were many times I couldn't figure out what the project was supposed to be because I wasn't allowed to make calls to lobbyists).So, was it hypocrisy when the original policy was stated or was the Obama-Biden team merely ignorant of the way legislation works. Sadly, I think it was the latter. It would have been better if they were hypocrites but knowledgeable about government.
Obama-Biden Transition website is Here
News on Obama lobbying policy in May 2009 is here.